Musings and News

Willie and myself in a surprisingly gnome-like outfit

Tai chi is frequently prescribed in China as a treatment for illnesses as diverse as high blood pressure, pulmonary tuberculosis, nervous breakdown, impotence, anxiety, arthritis and even diabetes. The real benefit of tai chi though it its power to prevent illness....

Move as quietly as a cat...

Put forth strength so mild that it is as if you are reeling silk from a coccoon ...

Don't let your movements become aimless and lifeless; this is a common mistake, your movements should be purposeful as well as relaxed...

Your mind should be tranquil and calm with your focus commanding your body...

If you find your thoughts drifting as you practice, just bring them back to the movements and you will find a lovely stillness (this may take a few weeks)...

Everything should move in unison...

Straight but not straight, bent but not bent..

"Knowing others is intelligence,
knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength,
Mastering yourself is true power"

by Lao-Tzu"